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   想象中的冰山   我们宁愿要冰山也不要船,   尽管这意味着旅行的结束。   虽然它一动不动地站在那里,像一块混浊的岩石   所有的大海都在移动。   我们宁愿要冰山也不要船;   我们宁愿拥有这片会呼吸的雪原   尽管船的帆在海上扬起   因为雪未溶解在水面上。   啊,庄严的,漂浮的田野,   你知道冰山在休息吗   和你在一起,当它醒来时可以在你的雪地上吃草?   这是一个水手非常想看到的场景。   这艘船被忽略了。冰山升起   并再次下沉;它玻璃般的尖顶   天空中正确的椭圆。   这是一个踩着木板的人   是天真的修辞。窗帘   轻到可以用最细的绳索上升   飘动的雪提供了。   这些白色山峰的智慧   与太阳搏斗。冰山敢于挑战它的重量   站在舞台上,凝视着。   这座冰山从内部开始切割。   就像坟墓里的珠宝   它永远保存自己和装饰   只有它自己,也许是雪   躺在海上让我们如此惊讶。   再见,我们说,再见,船离开了   在那里波浪相互让步   云在温暖的天空中运行。   冰山理应属于灵魂   (两者都是由最不可见的元素自制的)   看到他们:有血有肉的,公平的,不可分割的。   the imaginary iceberg   we’d rather have the iceberg than the ship,   although it meant the end of travel.   although it stood stock-still like cloudy rock   and all the sea arble.   we’d rather have the iceberg than the ship;   we’d rather own this breathing plain of snow   though the ship’s sails were laid upon the sea   as the snow lies undissolved upon the n, floating field,   are you aware an iceberg takes repose   with you, and ay pasture on your snows?   this is a scene a sailor’d give his eyes for.   the ship’s ignored. the iceberg rises   and sinks again; its glassy pinnacles   correct elliptics in the sky.   this is a scene where he who treads the boards   is artlessly rhetorical. the curtain   is light enough to rise on finest ropes   that airy twists of snow provide.   the wits of these white peaks   spar with the sun. its weight the iceberg dares   upon a shifting stage and stands and stares.   this iceberg cuts its facets from within.   like je a grave   it saves itself perpetually and adorns   only itself, perhaps the snows   which so surprise us lying on the sea.   good-bye, we say, good-bye, the ship steers off   where waves give in to one another’s waves   and clouds run in a er sky.   icebergs behoove the soul   (both being self-made from elements least visible)   to see them so: fleshed, fair, erected indivisible.